Justice and Solidarity in Israel’s Foreign Policy in the United Nations
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Uniwersytet Warszawski
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Publication date: 2016-06-30
Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations 2016;52(2):143-159
Israel’s foreign policy is a game of ideas and interests. The ideas usually have their roots in the Jewish religious tradition and ethic, which – as Israeli politicians emphasise – constitute universal world heritage. By invoking them, Israel attempts to justify its policy (interests), which is broadly criticised in the UN, especially for human rights violations. Therefore, Israel pays particular attention to promoting the notions of justice and solidarity, which have been addressed by, among others, the UN’s Millennium Development Goals; this includes practical measures to fulfil these notions. The article is an attempt to verify the principle adopted by the constructivist method of studying international relations that ideas need not collide with interests – they can be incorporated in interests and emphasised as a ‘more noble’ factor, easier to accept by the other participants in international relations.
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